Robert P. Nickell, CEO and Founder
Robert is the founder and CEO of SportPharm™. SportPharm™ is the national leader in pharmaceuticals with the most effective topical pain creams available consisting of Over the Counter and Prescription Only custom formulated creams, rubs, lotions and sprays. Robert was selected as the first ever official team pharmacist to the USA Olympic Medical Team and participated in the Athens Summer Games in 2004. This selection was based upon his experience since 1995, as the founder of SportPharm™, consulting over 85% of all professional sports teams in the US on the proper utilization of prescription drugs, including, NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB as well many major colleges and universities. From 1995 to 2004, Robert was the lead course instructor for pharmaceutical compounding at the University of Southern California School of Pharmacy, teaching beginning, advanced and FDA regulatory affairs. At the University of the Pacific School of Pharmacy, Robert was instrumental in launching the first ever Entrepreneur Pharmaceutical Dual Degree Program in the US. He has lectured, and authored many articles in various medical journals, and academic books with regards to pharmacy regulations, science, and drug management. Robert is a Past President of the California Pharmacists Association, and has received many awards and recognitions including Pharmacist of the Year. Robert P. Nickell graduated with a degree in pharmacy from the University of the Pacific School of Pharmacy (1981). He lives in Southern California with his wife, Katy, their children, Lincoln, Carter and Tessa. Robert also enjoys a wonderful relationship with his four older children Austin, Paige, Hayden and Kennady, as well as his grandchildren Lilly and Henry.
First USA Olympic Pharmacist Robert Nickell
Robert Nickell was chosen as the first USA Olympic Medical Team Pharmacist for the 2004 Games in Athens, his company was also the primary sports pharmacy for all Olympic games and training centers from 2002 to 2008. Pharmacist Nickell has been formulating topical products for pain and inflammation since 1986 and his products have been used by professional athletes, colleges, universities, and the Olympics.